About Us

What we are

In honor Tribute to the Success of the 1st Pan Arab/2nd Jordanian Women Physicians Conference. The Royal College of Physicians (RCP), London Global Women Leaders Program- Empowering Women in Medicine.

And by being keen to always be part of Jordan’s Most outstanding trumphs and to take most elite projects aiming to extending merit and supremacy, We have been granted, by the Royal College of Physicians, the opportunity to luanch an initiative, from our beloved orda and to the region, the Woman Empowerment Program.

“The association provides its services to citizens on a voluntary basis and does not aim to make profits”

The Pan Arab Women Physicain Association ( PAWPA) was established, which is the first of its kind in the Arab world, aiming to consolidate social relations between Arab women doctors and enhance medical and training cooperation between them to exchange experiences and knowledge and embody the distinguished level of our medicine

Not to mention community health awareness and strengthening the role of primary health care to reduce the burden on the health sector, We congratulate Jordan and the Arab world for setting this precedent, Pan Arab Women Phycisian Association


13 Countries


48 Mebmers


2 Events


2 Years.