It began as a Jordanian dream that was embodied in the first Jordanian doctor’s conference, translating the vision of our Majesty King Abdullah II, the great son of Hussein, of intellectual modernization and providing leadership roles for professional women. The activities were launched in November 2021 to cover medical topics outside the traditional framework and to include awareness sessions for the public and non-doctors as well. Filled with positive energy, and after the resounding success of this single and first work in the region, the Jordanian dream grew and became Arab.
The first Arab / second Jordanian doctor’s conference in October 2022, with unprecedented creativity and scientific, dministrative and artistic excellence, will continue and tour the Arab world after that, God willing. As a culmination of this distinguished effort, the Association of Arab Women Doctors was established, which is the first of its kind in the Arab world, aiming to consolidate social relations between Arab women doctors and enhance medical and training cooperation between them to exchange experiences and knowledge and embody the distinguished level of our medicine. Not to mention community health awareness and strengthening the role of primary health care to reduce the burden on the health sector We congratulate Jordan and the Arab world for setting this precedent, Pan Arab Women Phycisian Association.
Dr. Maisam Akroush
Chairman, PAWPA