Primary health Reproductive health and family planning Care and rehabilitation services Chronic Diseases Health care services Emergency medical services Health awareness and education services Managing small projects generates income for the association

Anyone has the right to join The age must not be less than 25 years He must be fully qualified To work to serve the objectives of the association To approve the association’s bylaws in writing

Affiliation takes place through a link for an amount determined by the Authority

Pulling out Death, God forbid Lack or loss of ability Delayed to renew the subscribtion Termination

What is monitored by members Membership fees and annual subscriptions for members Donations, gifts and grants Support from the Associations Support Fund Earn revenue from activities Commandments Any resources approved by the management body

The association may form a coalition with one or more other associations to implement a program, activity or project aimed at achieving its goals and objectives. The association may join an existing union or participate in establishing a new association Forming specialized administrative committees to assist the management body in managing the association and its affiliated programs